Hellos, Everybun!
Everybunny's doing well. Eating, pooping, drinking the fruit-spiked water. It felt like a week of treading water though. The Bunfest is over, paintings are finished, sketches for new ones started, and time change survived.
We threw the hoomin for a loop though. Came M*nd*y morning he showed up with cookies an hour earlier, and we were sound asleep. I lumbered out first, confused as thump, thinking something happened that wasn't supposed to. Gus couldn't be bothered and stayed put. After a while, that really woke the hoomin up.
Gus finally came out, sleepy and confused, stretched, and got on with the program. That's about as good as the week got. We'll have to take the day bit by bit. Maybe we'll convince the hoomin to at least another piece, even if only a color study or something.
We'll keep you posted!
- Charlie