We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update

Hellos, Everybunny!

We're warm and comfy and doing well. Of course, we've rolled with the punches all the way into the weekend, so we'll try to shake it off, chillax, and do more art.

This morning, we started Charlie on 0.11 ml of Hydrochlorothiazide twice daily. Hopefully, it will help her pee out the sludge. She has plenty of fresh and fruit water around. We managed to feed her about 60 ml of water a day via the syringe, with very little wrestling.

We are still waiting for the Potassium Citrate, which will hopefully lower Charlie's urine pH and help prevent kidney stones. And if we recall the doctor correctly, it should help dissolve some of the calcium carbonate.

And for something completely different - no, we did not get any snow. Thump! North Florida got plenty, but the best we could do was a little bit of cloudy, soggy skies and cold temperatures. Maybe next time.

The first of the paintings is underway. At the full size of 36 x 48 inches, it feels like a completely different beast from the small color studies we did last summer. Here's to completing the first layer this weekend!

We'll keep you posted!
- Gus

Friday, January 24, 2025


What do you mean, "Maybe you're my lucky start?" What's with the "maybe"!?

- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!

PS: Yes, Orion is still looking for his forever home. https://bhrabbitrescue.org/orion/

Born: 2023
Weight: 3 lbs
Breed: Black Satin
Color: Black
Gender: Neutered Male
Litter Box Habits: Good

NOTES: Contact us for more information

BHRR: http://bhrabbitrescue.org
FB: https://www.facebook.com/bhrabbitrescue 
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/brambleyhedgerabbitrescue

Thursday, January 23, 2025


That's more like it. Nobunny cares what day it is. Wait, where ya going with that ....

- Thank you, Sunje, Kurtis, and SCHRR

PS: Yes, Liam and Lilly are still looking for their forever home.

Suncoast House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: https://suncoasthrr.org/contact-us
FB: https:www.facebook.com/SuncoastHRR
Home:  https://suncoasthrr.org
Adapt a Pet: https://www.adoptapet.com/shelter/121761/available-pets

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


My teeth don't need no stinkin' cuttin' board. I wonder, I wonder - where's the other half of the coooooookie...

- Thank you, Buntie Susan!

PS: Well, Cubby is doing great. He's working hard to earn his stripes as a full-fledged Captain Foster Fail. He would be game to partner with somebun desperately needing a husbun, but for now, he loves running the show right where he is ;-)

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Yes, even a lousy day loafing is better than whatever you're about to mess up!

- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!

PS: Yes, Meadow is still looking for her forever home. https://bhrabbitrescue.org/meadow/

Born: 2023
Weight: 5 lbs.
Breed: Florida
Color: White
Gender: Spayed Female
Litter Box Habits: Good

NOTES: Contact us for more information: http://bhrabbitrescue.org

FB: https://www.facebook.com/bhrabbitrescue 
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/brambleyhedgerabbitrescue 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Have a Safe, Hoppy, and Reflective Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Look at me - look at me! Surgery after surgery - and yet one paw goes in front of the other. We overbun.

Let me drag Bob Hoover into this - "If you're faced with a forced landing, fly the thing as far into the crash as possible." Then we get up, shake it off, and carry on. The dream survives.

His cold is letting up a little, he feels better, and cookies are spilling quickly. We're extracting as many treats from the biped as we can. And I'm drinking up as much pineapple-flavored water as I can.

We'll art and loaf, and we'll keep you posted!
- Charlie

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The Bunday Evening Thumps

Good evening, Everybun!

We keep hearing more winter stuff is heading our way. It's been a nice, cloudy day, making you feel winter-ish. My hoomin threw in the towel and resigned himself to light arting and loafing. He even dragged his sorry duff to a hoomin v.e.t. He wanted to go and meet a few new bunns at the rescue, and even that will have to wait.

Charlie is doing well, getting spoiled with fruit water. Today, we're trying pineapple juice. She seems to like it and slurps it up quite readily. Hopefully, she'll get more water this way than she usually would. The other option is doing sub-q fluids. Hopefully, we won't have to resort to that. Of course, we're sitting on pins and needles to hear about Charlie's lab results.

And last but not least, it's a long weekend for my hoomins, so we're grateful for the extra cuddles and doting.

Goodnight and good luck!
- Gus