Hellos, Everybunny!
This morning, I had my follow-up with Dr. Zellner, and my x-rays showed a very dramatic decrease in the urine sludge. Our instructions are to keep doing what we've been doing - meds twice a day and pineapple water. We had bloodwork done, and the results will be in next week.
So, we're breathing easier. Ya have to take your wins when you can - this is a pretty good one.
Now, I'm on the mad side of things. Will have to come up with something to make my hoomin pay for this. What would Surge do? Surge A Storms for those of you who have to look it up.
For now, my plan is to loaf and connive. My hoomin will paint most of the day. Bunfest is next Saturday, so he's slowly bringing the pieces to a finish. More on that tomorrow.
We'll keep you posted!
- Charlie
PS: Up there, that's me from September of 2024, recovering from one of my surgeries. We had to go into the archives for the pic 'cause the hoomin is kinda running on fumes.